(SK/CZ/PL/BE) — Sales (DE) : Pluto Films
When her home village is meant to give way to a water reservoir, Mara (15) decides to continue her father’s fight against the suppression by the authorities, a failing infrastructure and the incoming flood.
- Category: Feature film
- Genre: Drama / historical
- Language: Ruthenian
- Countries: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Belgium
- Director: Martin Gonda
- Producer: Katarína Krnáčová, Tomáš Gič (Silverart)
- Co-producers: Viktor Schwarcz (Cineart TV Prague), Izabela Igel (Harine Films), Henry Gillet (The Y-House Films)
- Cast & Crew: IMDB (No link yet)
- Editor: Paweł Laskowski (Editor of “Wolyn”)
- “Sound & Music” Post-Production: Sara Martinez Ruiz (The Y-house Services)
- Composer: Théophile Moussouni
- International Sales: Pluto Films
- Distribution (Benelux): TBC
- Release date: 2025
In post-production
Family, village, flood, religion, tradition, relationship, father, daughter, morality, identity
- Green production under strict ecological and sustainable measures
- Flood will be the first feature film shot in the Ruthenian language about the Ruthenian national minority
- The previous film of the director Martin Gonda premiered in Cannes in Cinéfondation
- Cineuropa
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